Oklahoma City Dog Bite Lawyer

If you or a family member suffered a dog bite accident in Oklahoma City, OK, you may be entitled to money for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact the experienced Oklahoma City Dog Bite lawyer at Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers at (405) 497-0480.

Since 2009, injured clients have trusted us to pursue fair compensation for their injuries. We’ve used our 95 years of combined experience to recover over $100 million in settlements and verdicts. You only have a limited amount of time to seek compensation after a dog bite injury, contact our experienced attorneys today for a free case evaluation.

How Can Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers Help After Suffering a Dog Bite Injury in Oklahoma City?

How Can Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers Help After Suffering a Dog Bite Injury in Oklahoma City?

Every dog owner has a responsibility to keep their animal under control. Dogs have the potential to cause long-term damage when they attack. Unfortunately, when dog owners ignore their responsibilities, they won’t be quick to admit fault. They might even try to blame you for provoking their pet.

You shouldn’t have to worry about defending yourself while you’re recovering from painful injuries. Let our Oklahoma City personal injury lawyers at Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers handle the legal aspects of your recovery.

When you hire our team to protect you, you’ll benefit from lawyers who will:

  • Answer all questions and keep you informed
  • Investigate and gather evidence to support your claim
  • Consult respected experts throughout the legal process
  • Calculate the full value of your personal injury case
  • Protect you from lowball insurance offers
  • Defend you if and when you’re blamed for provoking the dog
  • Negotiate with the dog owner’s insurance company
  • Determine whether any third parties may share blame for the injury

Our Oklahoma City personal injury attorneys are well-prepared to fight for you in the courtroom if necessary. To learn more about how we can help you get a fair deal, call our law firm today.

Statistics on Dog Bites Injuries

Approximately 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year. About one in five of those dog bites are serious – so serious that about 885,000 people in the United States require medical attention because of dog bite injuries every year. Unfortunately, more than half of those victims are children.

How Much Is My Oklahoma City Dog Bite Case Worth?

There’s no easy answer to this question. Every case deserves to be evaluated on its merits. After all, your injuries impact your life in unique ways. We’ll carefully assess your case, considering current expenses, estimated future costs, and your non-financial suffering.

Some of the factors that are most relevant when valuing your personal injury claim include:

  • The nature and severity of your injuries
  • Your age at the time of the attack
  • The cost of your medical treatment
  • Whether your doctor expects you to need future medical care or rehab
  • Your ability to work after the injury–both during recovery and in the future
  • Whether you lose wages to care for a child during recovery
  • How the trauma of the dog bite injury has impacted your emotional health

Most homeowners’ and renters’ insurance policies in Oklahoma cover dog bite injuries. That doesn’t mean recovering fair compensation will be automatic. You’ll have to file a claim with insurance and prove your case value. Even then, you should expect the insurance company to try to minimize your financial award.

At Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers, our lawyers are dedicated to maximizing financial results for our clients. To learn more about how much your personal injury case is worth, reach out to us for a free case review today.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Dog Bite Victims in Oklahoma City, OK?

Whether your case involves an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit, you can generally pursue compensation for economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages represent your financial costs, including:

  • Past and future medical expenses, including ER visits, doctor’s visits, reconstructive surgeries, hospitalization, and more
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning potential
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Psychological counseling
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages are much more subjective. These types of damages attempt to compensate for things that money can’t buy.

Some typical examples include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical disfigurement and scarring
  • PTSD and fear
  • Anxiety 
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Loss of consortium in wrongful death cases

Your damages are unique to your situation. Our dog bite lawyers in Oklahoma City can help you evaluate your losses and file your insurance claim for full compensation.

Our Oklahoma City Dog Bite Attorneys Will Fight to Recover Compensation for All of Your Injuries

Dog bites and animal attacks always have the potential to cause serious injuries. When a large dog knocks a small victim to the ground, those injuries can be particularly severe.

At Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers, our team represents all dog bite injury victims, including those who have suffered:

  • Puncture wounds and torn skin
  • Broken bones
  • Nerve damage
  • Joint injuries
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Concussions
  • Crushing injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Permanent physical scarring or disfigurement
  • Amputations, which can be caused by infection (especially if the dog wasn’t vaccinated)
  • Paralysis
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

If you or your child were bitten by a dog, seek medical attention immediately. Dog bite wounds can easily become infected if not properly treated. Because of their jagged edges, it can also be difficult to stop the bleeding or prevent extensive scarring without professional medical care.

How Do I Prove I Deserve Financial Compensation Under Oklahoma Dog Bite Laws? 

Some states have a one-bite rule. In these states, dog owners can’t be held liable for injuries unless their dog has bitten someone before.

Oklahoma is not a one-bite state. Under Oklahoma dog bite laws, dog owners in Oklahoma can be held strictly liable for injuries caused by their dog even if they did not know the dog was dangerous.

To establish your right to compensation in Oklahoma, you must prove:

  • You were lawfully on the property
  • The dog bit you without provocation
  • You were injured

It doesn’t matter whether the dog’s owner was negligent or careful. If you were legally on the premises and behaving peacefully when the dog bit you, the dog owner can be held strictly liable for your injuries.

Defenses to Oklahoma’s Strict Liability Law and Negligence Theories

Because of the way the Oklahoma law is written, dog owners have two primary defenses in dog bite injury cases.

The dog owner may not be subject to the strict liability law if:

  • You were trespassing at the time of the dog bite, or
  • You provoked the dog to attack

In these cases, negligence theories can become relevant. If the dog’s owner knew the dog had vicious tendencies and failed to take proper precautions, they may still be liable for injuries caused by their aggressive dog. 

Similarly, if the dog’s owner violated local laws and ordinances pertaining to animal control, the owner may be liable. “Negligence per se” is a legal theory that holds people responsible for injuries that happen because they violate a law. 

“Negligence per se” means that:

  • The dog’s owner violated a law
  • You were injured because of the violation
  • The law was designed to prevent the type of harm you suffered

For example, if the dog’s owner violated Oklahoma City leash laws and their dog bit you, they may automatically be assumed negligent. 

Can I Recover Damages If I’m Being Blamed for Provoking a Dog Bite in Oklahoma?

Possibly. Oklahoma’s strict liability law will not protect you if the insurance company can prove you provoked the dog to bite. You may, however, be entitled to recover compensation based on negligence. Sharing some blame for your own injuries will impact your compensation award.

Oklahoma follows a modified comparative negligence law. Liability will be divided between all parties who share some blame for the injuries. If your share of fault is less than 51%, your compensation is reduced by your percentage of fault. Once your share of fault reaches 51%, you cannot seek compensation for your injuries.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Dog Bite in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, the statute of limitations is only two years in most cases (with some exceptions). You must file your lawsuit before the statute of limitations runs out. Once the deadline passes, you lose your right to seek compensation for your costs, injuries, and suffering–regardless of whether liability is clear.

Contact an Oklahoma City Dog Bite Lawyer for a Free Consultation Today

If you or your child were bitten by a dog, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers for legal advice. With an experienced Oklahoma City dog bite lawyer in your corner, you’re much more likely to recover the full compensation your family deserves.

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Laird Hammons Laird Personal Injury Lawyers
1332 SW 89th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73159

(405) 497-0480
Monday through Friday
8am – 5pm

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